Run M3 CRC Challenge Registration

The Run M3 CRC Challenge will have a similar format to previous molecular pathology EQA challenges by the CPQA-AQCP. Each participant will receive three (3) FFPE blocks containing two 2mm cores of sample. Mock clinical vignettes with patient demographics will accompany the blocks. The sample FFPE blocks are to be treated as if they are real cases, referred to your laboratory for molecular testing. This would include accessioning, if applicable. Participants are asked to perform any test that they would normally perform based on the vignettes provided. It will be up to each participating institution to assess each block and determine the most appropriate test(s) for each scenario. 

All fields are required to submit a form unless indicated otherwise.

If your facility already participates in CPQA-AQCP surveys for IHC/ISH or molecular pathology EQA
Challenge material will be sent to this address.
Additional email contacts, etc.